Sunday, May 20, 2007

It's bad when I can't wait to go to work

Let me start by saying I am a proud mother of two beautiful children, Catiecakes, who is 12 and Pooh-Bear, who is 10 ( names have been changed to protect the claimed to be innocent). I am also the proud stepmother to two other beautiful children, the Codester, who is 9 and Kenz, who is 7. Needless to say Bill and I have our hands full every other weekend.

Catiecakes and Pooh Bear have decided that their goal in life is to fight everyday. Now, I have never had siblings as I was an only child so all of this is new to me. A year ago they were so sweet to each other and now they want to do nothing but irritate each other about stupid stuff.

They butt into each other's conversations with something smart to say and it is getting OLD!!!
Things have really started to change since Catiecakes turned into a tween and I think her brother just doesn't know how to handle it.

I guess we will have to take each day as it comes and see what happens!!

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